Join us for these hands-on workshops designed to help you integrate science, literacy, and academic standards.
Questions? Contact the Education Department at 260-427-6808 or
Free Teacher’s Workshops
Upcoming Dates: None currently scheduled! Please check back for 2019 dates.
Please join us for this inquiry-based workshop, where you will learn how the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo can help you meet standards and your curricular needs both in your classroom and at the Zoo, all while earning a 3 PGP certificate. See how you can bring your classroom’s science lessons to life with a visit from the Zoomobile and explore ways to implement hands-on activities at the Zoo with your students. This workshop is designed to meet standards and curricular needs of preschool through fifth grade teachers.Pre-registration is mandatory and ends two weeks before the event. Door prizes and snacks will be provided, bring your own drinks.
Register Today
To register, call (260) 427-6808 or email
Please include the following information: Name, school, county, grade you teach, email address, and daytime phone number.