Page 15 - Zoo To You Spring 2021
P. 15

Kids for Nature:

                 Cast Your Vote

                 Every time you visit the Zoo, you can make a difference for wildlife conservation.

                 Whenever you receive a recycled metal washer at the ticket booth, make sure you stop by the Kids for Nature kiosk
                 just inside the front gates and vote for your favorite conservation project by dropping the washer in the wishing
                 well. At the end of the season, we tally up the votes and determine how much funding each project will receive.

                 This year, our three featured projects will support Reticulated Giraffe, African Black-footed Penguins, and Eastern
                 Hellbenders. Additional votes can be made with real quarters, nickels, and dimes, and 100% of these contributions
                 will help support the featured projects. Every vote matters; what will you vote for?

                 Kids for Nature programs are sponsored by:

                                   RETICULATED GIRAFFE
                 Recreate PMS
                           The tallest animal on earth needs our help.
                      Reticulated Giraffe populations have declined by
                      50% in the past 30 years and they are now listed
                     as Endangered. Your Kids for Nature vote supports
                          field research, tracking, and mapping giraffe
                                     movements and human conflict.


                              Help us turn the tide on African Penguin
                         extinction. Kids for Nature votes will help with
                        rescue, rehabilitation, and release of ill, injured,
                                     abandoned, and oiled seabirds.

                                   EASTERN HELLBENDER
                         In our state, these two-foot-long salamanders
                          live only in the clear, clean rivers of southern
                       Indiana. Your Kids for Nature vote helps the Zoo
                       rear baby hellbenders until they are 3 years old.
                         When released into wild rivers, these juvenile
                         hellbenders have a greater chance of survival.

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